Friday, December 26, 2008

Barnesy's at it again!

Oh wow. Dave Barnes makes me laugh every time. He's just hilarious! I know it's the day after Christmas, but I thought I'd share this to continue spreading the Christmas cheer! Enjoy!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Advent Conspiracy

Christmas is in two days, and I'm once again being bombarded with questions from my parents about what I want for Christmas. When I was little I used to get so excited about all of these gifts and fun new things that I wouldn't have to pay for! Then on Christmas eve, the time would arrive to open all the surprises that have been waiting anxiously for me to rescue them from under the Christmas tree. My parents, sister, and I would sit happily in our living room listening to holiday tunes next to the tree and open what we bought for each other. And I would get lots of cool things, I mean all of the things I wanted for the time being. But then I remember afterward, while happy for my family to celebrate with and for the gifts and for the memories, I would sit in my room with all of my stuff and think "is this it until next year?" Although I had everyone I wanted, I was saddened that months of anticipation ended in a short span of a few hours.

But the real meaning of Christmas is to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.

Jesus tells us to feed the hungry and care for the sick as well as look after the orphans and widows.

Did you know that Americans spend $450 billion on Christmas each year? Yes, I really meant to say billion. Crazy, right?
Did you also know that it would only take $10 billion to provide clean drinking water to everyone on the planet.

Here's a way to give a pretty dang sweet pair of shoes and give a second pair to a child in need. I'm excited to buy a pair of these wicked sweet shoes as well!

Or how about's what anyone can do on their own through an organization called the Mocha Club:

How far can just $7 go in Africa?
SAVE 1 person's life from Malaria.
FEED 1 person for an one month.
EDUCATE 2 children for one school term.
PROVIDE clean water for 7 people for an entire year.

How far does $7 go in America?
Buys 2 mochas from your local coffee shop.
Buys 1 discounted movie at Target that you've probably already seen 5 times.
Buys 1 six-pack of Sam Adams Boston Lager (IF you're 21-years-old of course).
Buys 1 Quizno's toasted sandwich.

Although the big celebration is only two days away, I wanted to just post this and give a couple of ways we can help in a large way for a small price.

Merry Christmas.

Monday, December 22, 2008


So I'm back in the States after spending the autumn studying and interning in Brussels, Belgium. Now that I'm done writing on my blog from my adventures, I'll be starting this baby back up. And to celebrate such an occasion, I ran across a poem of I wrote that was published in an anthology of poems when I was 8-years-old. It's horrible but adorable! (See I can rhyme without a problem). Enjoy!

I am a frog I am very green,
Please don't litter when you see me,

My tongue is very long and sticky,
When you litter it is icky,

I am a living creature too,
Please don't make me say boo-hoo-hoo-hoo.

Who knew I was such an environmentalist even before global warming entered the social scene?